Total Drama Island x Male reader - Chapter 20 - Cheshire_cat_47 (2024)

Chapter Text

Thank God I forgot the lemon in the last Chapter. It's gonna be in this Chapter since the chapter is going to be somewhat short.

Chris: Ah, morning in Muskoka. The Birds chirping, the Loon calling, the majestic, gentle sounds of beautiful Northern Ontario. Welcome to the most dramatic, thrilling episode yet. *Blows noisemaker* It's been a long eight weeks at Camp Wawanakwa, And "Total Drama Island" is about to come to an end. Today two campers remain. by sundown, only one will be left standing. That Camper will go home with a check for $100,000. Who will it be, Brooding, untanned alternative artist Gwen Or the fearlessathletic and multi-talented Y/n? Go grab a snack, have a pee if you have to, sit your butt down, and get ready for The Dramatic Final Conclusion of "Total...Drama...Island"!

Chris: Welcome back. We asked our Finalist to record their thoughts in our confessional booth before going into the final round.

Y/n's Pov


Y/n:I can't believe eight weeks already passed by. In a strange way, I'm gonna miss this place.

Gwen:What was it like being here for eight weeks? .....It sucked, that's what.

Chef:You think it's easy cooking for 22 ungrateful Teenagers? Man, I've had better jobs in Prison.

Y/n:The food here made me miss school lunch.

Gwen:The food was disgusting.

Y/n:But the people here were cool. *Smiles* Some better than others~

Gwen:The people here sucked. They were nothing but a bunch of backstabbing, manipulative, two-timing, fame-hungry, dim-witted, certifiably insane, really weird, psychotic, redneck, overbearing, goody-goody, know-it-all party-obsessed jerks. *Sighs* I was lucky enough to meet five people who were actually sane....and someone who made me feel special. *Smiles*

Y/n:*Thinking* The one thing I'll be remembered for?

Insert multiple females moaning

Y/n:Making sure to put others needs before mine~

Gwen:What will I be remembered for? ....My great personality. Okay, I'm done here. *Walks out*

Y/n:I wish I can relive last night~

Flashback to Yesterday

As Gwen and I are walking back to the Cabins, we see the camera crew taking down the cameras all round the camp site.

Y/n: What's going on?

Guy: Oh, we're just taking down these cameras for we can move them to the final challenge for you two. Oh and congrats on getting this far you two. *Walks off*

Y/n/Gwen: Thanks.

As he walked away, I put my arm around Gwen's shoulder.

Y/n: So, about that our deal?

Gwen: *Sighs* So what do you want?

I move my arm back and start sliding my hand down her lower back.

Y/n: I was wondering if we can celebrate together~

I look at her to see her pale face starting to blush.

Gwen: W-When do you want to do it?

Y/n: I say after we clean ourselves up from that triple dog dare challenge

Gwen: Okay.


Later that night

I'm laying in my bed waiting for Gwen to come over.

Knock, Knock

Gwen: *Whispers* Y/n.

Y/n: It's open.

She walks in and I see that's she wearing her pajamas. Her ass is so fat you can see it from the front. I stand up and walk over to her. I pull into a hug and place my hands on her ass and give them a good grip.

Gwen: Ah~ S-Someone is really eager.

Y/n: You have no idea.

Total Drama Island x Male reader - Chapter 20 - Cheshire_cat_47 (1)

I start pulling her pajamas down.

Y/n: I've never had Goth ass before but I'm always open to new ideas.

I start rubbing it and it's like all the girl's asses mashed into one. Fat like Lashawna's, soft like Bridgette's, frim like Eva's and round like Courtney's.

Gwen: Ah~

I stop and pull away.

Y/n: Before we start, let me move a bed onto the floor.

I walk over to my bed and removed it from bunkbed frame. I then drag it to the middle of the room. I let it go and it flops onto the floor. I step onto the bed.

Y/n: Come over here and get on your knees.

Gwen walks onto the bed and gets on her knees.

Gwen: Now what?

Y/n: Pull my sweats down~

Gwen: Okay.

She grabs my sweats and my boxers at the same time. She then pulls down and-


Gwen: *Shocked* N-No way. I-It can't be this big. Leshawna was right.

Y/n: She told you what happened?

Gwen: Y-Yeah but I didn't think your dick would be this huge.

Y/n: You can take it all, I believe you~

Gwen: *Gulps* O-Okay I go.

She then places my member into her mouth and start slowly sucking my tip.

Y/n: There you go but take in a little more~

I place my hand behind her head. I start guiding her but once she touched my stomach with her forehead, I let her go on her own.

Y/n: D-Damn~

Gwen keeps going. I look down to see her lipstick is leaving marks on my member.

Y/n's mind: Holy sh*t that's hot~

After after a minute or two passes, Gwen pulls back and makes that satisfying pop sound.


Gwen: *Panting* H-How was that?

Y/n: You did great~ But now, lay on your back.

Gwen: Okay.

She then goes on her back and lays down on the bed. I then go down and lay myself on the bottom half of the bed and place my face in between Gwen's legs.

Gwen: *Blushing* W-What are you doing?

Y/n: Just repaying you back~

I then start eating her out.

Gwen: Ah~

Total Drama Island x Male reader - Chapter 20 - Cheshire_cat_47 (2)

As I start going deeper with my tongue, Gwen wraps her legs behind my head.

Gwen: K-Keep going~

I just smile to myself, knowing that she's loving this.

As I'm still eating her out, I can feel her insides tightening on my tongue. I move my hand up and start rubbing her cl*t.

Gwen: Ah~!

Her body arches up. I feel some type of liquid hit my tongue. As pull out and touch my tongue.

Y/n: *Stands up* Precum?

As I'm trying to answer my own question, I feel something rub my leg. I look down to see it's Gwen's foot. I look at her and she was giving me the most seductive look. I can feel my member getting hard as a stone.

Gwen: *Blushing* I-I need you Y/n~

I go back down and line myself with Gwen's womanhood. But I set her up in a mating press position. I then slowly enter my member inside of Gwen.

Gwen: F-f*ck~

As my member is touching the back of her womb, I look at Gwen.

Y/n: You ready?

Gwen: J-Just f*ck me already~!

I smile and start thrusting out and in.

Gwen: Ah~!

Total Drama Island x Male reader - Chapter 20 - Cheshire_cat_47 (3)

As I'm thrusting, Gwen is turning into a moaning mess. I pull her into a kiss. She wraps her arms around my head. Not only am I pumping into her, we're also having a full blown make out.


After five minutes of mating press, I flipped her around and put her in Doggystyle.




Gwen: F-f*ck! SO BIG!

Total Drama Island x Male reader - Chapter 20 - Cheshire_cat_47 (4)

Y/n: Look who's talking. Your ass is big- no scratch that. It's f*ckin fat~

Gwen: Do you like my fat ass?

Y/n: Hell yeah! Wish this could be all mine.

Gwen: After all of this is over, how about we meet up for another sesh?

Y/n: *Smiles* I'm down for that. But let me focus on f*cking this white fat ass of yours for right now~

Gwen: I-I'm fine with that~

As I kept on thrusting, I look down to see her pale ass is now showing red marks from me slamming into her.

Y/n: Anyway, how's Trent?

Gwen: *Moaning* Who?

Y/n: *Smiles* Oh nothing just making sure~

After couple of minutes passed by I can feel my end is near.

Y/n: I'm close to my end, Gwen.

Gwen: Me too, let's cum together~

After a few more thrusts, I slam myself into Gwen and start shooting long white ropes into her womb.

Gwen: I'm cuming~!

Gwen's walls started closing onto my rod and she starts squirting. Once that was done, I pull my member out and I watch my cum start leaking out of her.

Total Drama Island x Male reader - Chapter 20 - Cheshire_cat_47 (5)

Y/n: Damn that was good~ *Smacks Gwen's ass*

Gwen: *Moans*

Y/n: You think you have another round in you?

Gwen: Y-Yeah.

Y/n: Good, cause I want to fill up this other hole of yours~


After having nonstop sex, we finally stopped at 4am. We're currently sleeping another bed. As we're cuddling, I still have my member in her.

Y/n: Hey Gwen?

Gwen: *Sleeping* Hmm?

Y/n: You want to be my mistress?

Present Day

We're now standing on an open field. There's two steps up bleachers, One had a flag with my face on it and the same for Gwen on the other side.

Chris: Now it's time to welcome the 21 Campers who did not make it to the Finals.

We look over to see everyone that got voted off is walking up.

Y/n: What's up guys.

Chris: Would everyone who's walked the Dock Of Shame and left Camp on the Boat Of Losers kindly take a seat in the peanut gallery of failure? The side you choose should represent who you would like to cheer on to victory in today's Final Competition.

I look at my side to see that Eva, Lindsay, Geoff, Dj, Diana, Tyler, Owen, Beth, Izzy, Courtney, Noah, Ezekiel, Justin and Heather. I look at Gwen's side to see Leshawna, Trent, Cody, Harold, Bridgette, Katie and Sadie.

Gwen: *To Heather* Nice rug.

Heather: Oh, bite me.

Gwen: *To Y/n* Why is Heather smiling like that?

Y/n: Could be that she likes her new hair do. No clue tho.

Chris: Gwen, Y/n, this is your chance to tell the Peanut Gallery Of Failure what you would do with the money if you won and why you deserve it.

Gwen: Well, I guess I'm pretty proud of getting this far. I mean, maybe if I can survive here, the rest of High School won't be so bad.

Izzy: *Laughs, snorts* Oh, sorry.

Gwen: Once I'm done with High School, I guess I'd go travelling and then to University to study Art History.

Leshawna: Whoo! Yeah, that's it! Girlfriend's got some goals!

Trent: Very cool.

Chris: Wow, that's really sweet. Boring but sweet. Y/n?

Y/n: I'm gonna use this money to help my singing career. If not that, I'll be a music producer to work with Music Artists.

Chris: All right, it's time for the final challenge, the rejected Olympic Relay Race. Each of the three parts was pitched to the committee but sadly rejected as an Olympic sport. First, each of you has to put on one of these.

He throws two hats at us. I caught the Cow hat and Gwen caught the Chicken hat.

Gwen: I think it's clear why this event wasn't accepted.

Y/n: *Laughs* I love Cow and Chicken.


Y/n: You know, the show.

Chris: Doesn't ring any bells, anyway. Dressed as Cow and Chicken, run to the first location and shimmy up the pole to retrieve your flag. If you don't have the flag, don't bother coming down of that pole. Next, you'll cross a 300-meter balance beam suspended across a massive gorge while carrying an Eagle's egg.

Y/n: *Joking* Oh, is that all?

Chris: No. Below, your friends, the rare but real man-eating freshwater sharks.

Gwen: *To Y/n* You had to ask.

Dj: Ha!

Chris: The final Leg of the race is a long-Distance run, returning to the finish line here. First camper to arrive wins.

Gwen: *Puts on the hat* Good luck, Y/n. If I had to lose to anyone here, It'd be you.

Y/n: That's nice. Good luck to you as well.

Chris: On your marks. Get set. Go!

Gwen starts running and I'm just jogging behind her. I look behind me to see Geoff and Izzy.

Izzy: *Jogging* Yay, Y/n! Go, Y/n! RUN!

I take off and pass Gwen.

Once I got pole, I jump up and start climbing. I see Gwen trying to climb on her pole but was slipping off. I grab my flag and slide down. I then start running over to the next challenge.

Total Drama Island x Male reader - Chapter 20 - Cheshire_cat_47 (6)

I look down to see the sharks.

Total Drama Island x Male reader - Chapter 20 - Cheshire_cat_47 (7)

Y/n: Wow.....Let's get this over with.

I walk over and pick up the bird egg. I go up to the beam and step on. I start walking on it.

Gwen: Woah!

I slightly turn my head to see Gwen on her beam.

Y/n's mind: She's catching up, I need to hurry-


Gwen: What was that?!

I look to see that the screeching came from a bald eagle. The two swoops at us but we dodged.

As we're dodging, I see Heather walking up with Justine.

Heather: Oh Gwen.

We both look to see Heather rip off Justine's shirt.

Gwen: Oh, wow~

Trent: Gwen, Ignore the incredibly hot man candy and keep walking!

As he was trying to snap Gwen out of it, I used that to my advantage. I finally walked off the beam and run over to drop off the egg. I then start running to the finish line.

As I'm running I can hear Gwen catching up to me.

Y/n: *To Gwen* Hey, last night was really fun but getting our little moments with each other was better. Wish we could have spend more time with each other.

Gwen: Same here.

Y/n: Once I get famous and become a house hold name, I'll pay for your tuition for whatever University you want to go to.

Gwen: Really? Uh, thank you Y/n.

Y/n: And for me to do that, I need to beat you. *Smiles* Bye!

I take off and leave her in my dust.

As I was coming to the finish line, everyone on my side is cheering.

Total Drama Island x Male reader - Chapter 20 - Cheshire_cat_47 (8)

Ignore Izzy and Lindsay......

I cross the finish line and everyone runs up to me and continue their cheering. As I was celebrating, someone picked me up.

Y/n: *Surprised* Woah!

I look down to see Eva with a big smile on her face. I just smile back.


The Last Campfire Ceremony

As everyone is gathered around the Campfire, I'm standing next to Eva with our hands interlocked.

Chris: Here we are at the last bonfire ever. After eight brutal weeks, it is my pleasure to announce the Winner of "Total Drama Island," Y/n!

I walk up next to Chris.

Everyone: *Cheering*

Chef hands me my giant check of$100,000.

Y/n: Damn, eight weeks went by so fast. I'm just happy that I was apart of this show. But I'm glad that I met some cool people here.

Chris: Y/n, at this time, I give you the ultimate symbol of survival. The Final Marshmallow.

He hands me the marshmallow. I just look at it and threw it into my mouth.

Geoff: Yo, Y/n, you know what it's time for?

I nod and look over at Chris.


Total Drama Island x Male reader - Chapter 20 - Cheshire_cat_47 (9)

Chris: Why are you looking at me like that?


Chris: N-No, no, guy! My hair! Dudes!

We're carrying Chris down the dock.

Guys: One...Two...Three!

We send Chris into the water.

Chris: Agh!

As he swims back up we start laughing.

Chef: I've been wanting to do that all Summer. How do you like that, pretty boy, huh?

Geoff: Oh, Chef.

Owen: *Laughs* You're next, dude.

As the guys start chasing Chef, I walk up to Eva.

Y/n: I can't believe it's over.

Eva: Me neither.

Y/n: So, you gonna finish school?

Eva: Yeah. What about you?

Y/n: I'm gonna drop out and go to L.A. I have a family-friend that lives out there.

Eva: Alright, once I Graduate, I'll meet you down there.

Y/n That doesn't sound bad at all.

I pull her into me and we share a kiss at the docks.


Next Day

Right now all of us are at the Luxury Resort where the ones that got voted off were staying at.

Total Drama Island x Male reader - Chapter 20 - Cheshire_cat_47 (10)

We're all relaxing by the pool. Some are swimming and others are eating their fill. As for me, I'm just basking in the sun.

Y/n: *Sighs* This feels nice. Can't wait to go home tomorrow.

We all get to finally leave this place and Total Drama Island tomorrow.

Speakers: *Dramatic Music Plays*

Y/n: The hell?

I sit up to see Chris walking up and struggling to carry suitcase.

Chris: *Grunting*

He finally places the suitcase down.

Chris: Hello, Campers!

Diana: Ha-ha. That's Ex-Campers to you.

Heather: Yeah, your twisted game is over, remember?

Chris: Congratulations to our Winner. Y/n, you played hard. You beat everyone here fair and square and your pockets will soon be stuffed with cheddar.

Everyone: *Cheering*

Chris: What I'm about to offer you may change all that. Inside this suitcase is one...million...dollars. We had our pa's make a cardboard check of this awesome new prize.

A giant check starts sliding towards our way.

Total Drama Island x Male reader - Chapter 20 - Cheshire_cat_47 (11)

Chris: We went through a lot of cardboard to make this!

Y/n: Holy crap.

Chris: Y/n, my man, this million dollars could be yours. All you have to do is figure out where we're about to hide it and bring it to the dock of shame before anyone else does.

Gwen: You're telling us that we all have a chance to win one-million dollars?

Chris: Yep. What do you say, Y/n? Will you settle for hundred G's? Or... One...million...dollars!

Y/n: I'll pass. I'm fine with my hundred G's.

Chris: Great, let the game begin- Wait what?

Y/n: I'll pass.

Chris: But Y/n, you can have a chance at One...million...dollars!

Y/n: Keyword, "chance." I'm fine with my 100k.

Chris: Wow....Um, that's a first.

Phone Ringing

Chris: *Answers* Hello? Yeah, he said no. uh huh, uh huh. Yeah. Okay then. *Hangs up* That was the producer. He's bummed that you turned down the offer but since we have a one million dollars laying around. We just got greenlit for a second season. And the cash prize is this bad boy. *Points at the suitcase* So, who wants to come back for Season 2?

And just like that everyone raises their hands except for Eva and I.

Chris: *To the Camera* Alright, you heard it here first, Season two for Total Drama is coming very soon! In fact, in exactly two days, you will all report to a brand-new location for a whole new challenge. And the last one standing will receive, one...million...dollars! So don't forget to tune in to Total... Drama... Action!


August 2007

3rd Pov

We see Y/n walking in down town L.A, his phone starts to ring.

Y/n: Hello?

Agent: They loved it!

Y/n: Yeah?

Agent: And I also got you a gig as a music producer and Song writer for Disney Channel, thanks to my first client and friend. You need to call him and thank him kid. Cause without him, none of this could have been possible.

Y/n: Hell yeah! Everyone is going my way.

Agent: Well...

Y/n: What did you do?

Agent: For you to get the job, you need to knock this movie out of the park.

Y/n: Movie? What movie?

Agent: I believe it's called....*Reading* High School Musical 2.

Y/n: Alright. When does Production start?

Agent: Next week. Oh, and X is gonna help with the movie as well.

Y/n: Cool that will probably make things easier. Alright, I'll see you then.

Agent: Bye Y/n.

Y/n: Bye.

Hangs up

Y/n: The beginning of my Hollywood takeover starts now. *Smiles*

The End

Total Drama Island x Male reader - Chapter 20 - Cheshire_cat_47 (2024)
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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.